Learn how prescription medication XIFAXAN can help treat irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D), including abdominal pain and constipation.
There is nothing worse than a sudden upset stomach and an unwanted bout of diarrhea. Typically, these bouts pop up at the most inopportune times like travelers’ diarrhea and can cause severe discomfort in all of the wrong places.
On the other hand, suffering from the inability to produce a bowel movement on a regular basis (also known as constipation) can be equally as uncomfortable and painful.
If you suffer from diarrhea or constipation, your body is not working as it should it could be caused by bacterial overgrowth and may need assistance such as antibiotics. Diarrhea is characterized as loose or watery stools that usually occur when you’re sick or fighting an infection.
If you suffer from diarrhea frequently for more than 2–3 days at a time, you might need medical assistance to get your bowels under control.
Constipation is characterized as the inability to produce bowel movements on a regular basis. When bowel movements do occur, they might be hard or painful.
How to Know if You Have Diarrhea?
Sometimes our bowel movements have a mind of their own. This can create confusion when you don’t know quite what you’re dealing with, which can make treatment for relief more difficult.
If you are wondering if you are suffering from diarrhea, here are a few common symptoms you may be experiencing:
- Bloating in your abdomen
- Moderate to severe cramps
- Watery or loose stools
- A sudden need to use the restroom
- Nausea or vomiting (not frequent)
There are more severe and concerning symptoms that should be taken seriously if ever observed during a diarrhea bout:
- Fever
- Unexplained weight loss (not due to exercise or diet)
- Bloody stool
What Causes Diarrhea?
Every person responds differently to illness, infections, or other medical conditions. There are some common causes of diarrhea, though, that many diarrhea sufferers have reported:
- Virus
- Flu
- Certain medications
- Malabsorption (the inability to absorb needed nutrients)
- Alcoholism
- Food poisoning
- Adverse reactions to certain foods
- Allergies to certain foods
If you do suffer from diarrhea, you may be more susceptible to dehydration. This can be a dire condition if not treated properly. Some common warning signs of dehydration include dark urine, less frequent urination, and headaches.
Call your doctor immediately if you experience any of the less-than-common symptoms of diarrhea as well as signs of dehydration!
How to Know if You Have Constipation?
On the flip side of diarrhea is constipation. This is a condition that is characterized by the inability to produce bowel movements or painful stools. While this is not typically a worrisome problem to have, it can certainly be painful. When your body gets back on track and produces frequent bowel movements, everything will run much smoother.
If you are not sure whether or not you have constipation, here are some common symptoms that may arise:
- Painful stools
- Abdomen bloating
- Fewer bowel movements
- Difficulty while trying to produce a bowel movement
- Small, round pellet stools
What Causes Constipation?
There are some common reasons you might suffer from constipation. This condition is not usually a serious concern, but finding out the root cause of the issue can help you find the right treatment. Here are just some common causes of constipation:
- Pregnancy
- Lack of fiber in your diet
- Change to your diet or activity level
- Less-than active lifestyles
- Stress
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Underactive thyroid
Now that you are aware of whether or not you’re suffering from diarrhea or constipation, it is time to talk about solutions! Your body deserves to have regular, healthy bowel movements. Once you can alleviate whichever problem you are suffering from, you can start living a healthy and happy life once again!
How to Stop Diarrhea?
Inconvenience, uncomfortableness, and pain all describe diarrhea for most people. Here are some common ways to get rid of diarrhea quickly:
- The BRAT Diet
IBS and diarrhea are both extremely uncomfortable and highly inconvenient for anyone. If you suffer from a sudden onset of diarrhea or chronic IBS, you may want to incorporate the BRAT diet for a while into your daily life.
The BRAT diet consists of:
- Bananas
- Rice
- Applesauce
- Toast
This will not cure your diarrhea or IBS symptoms, but this combination is easier on your stomach and can provide relief from the constant working of your body to accommodate unique foods.
- Water! Water! Water!
Staying hydrated is the key to keeping infectious diarrhea from bacteria and IBS at bay. Both of these bowel movement issues can cause severe dehydration if you’re not careful; therefore, it is very important that you keep your body full of water at all times. The water can also give your body back the nourishment it needs to feel better quickly.
- Medication like Xifaxan
If changing your diet or waiting out a virus doesn’t do the trick, you may need to employ a more aggressive approach to get IBS or diarrhea to stop! Medications are great for helping sufferers alleviate their symptoms and find balance in their bodies once again.
XIFAXAN is a medication that was created specifically to stop IBS or acute diarrhea in the intestine and give your body back the normalcy it deserves. This medication works to prevent the three most common symptoms of IBS with diarrhea:
- Severe abdominal pain and cramps with diarrhea
- Diarrhea
XIFAXAN works as a 2-week treatment plan that can provide relief for up to six months for sufferers. This is one of the only medications that offer this type of treatment plan, and it has been proven to be highly effective in treating IBS with diarrhea.
If you are tired of suffering from IBS with diarrhea or diarrhea on its own, it’s time to pull out the big guns such as XIFAXAN! Talk to your doctor as soon as possible to find out if this medication is right for you.
How to Get Rid of Constipation?
Since constipation is not a cause for serious concern, there are some simple steps you can take to relieve your body of the painful and infrequent bowel movements:
- Stay hydrated as much as possible
- Add more fiber into your diet
- Keep moving and stay active
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Take stool softeners if needed
As you can see, diarrhea and constipation are unwanted visitors in many people’s lives. Finding the right solution for your body will make a world of difference and give you back the life you deserve.